Service Learning

                                         EWHS Senior Class Edmonds Beach Clean-Up
                                                             By: Jack Dennis

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1.  Because of my work schedule I had to organize a beach clean up at Edmonds beach instead of attending one that was already set up. So, on Monday of this week I walked around EWHS handing out flyers to all of my friends. I was hoping for a really big turnout however, only eight people including myself came to clean our beach. These flyers informed people of a beach clean-up that was going to happen at 2 o'clock at the Edmonds Senior Center Parking lot. I chose this location because this parking lot always has some sort of litter present and I have seen it blow onto the beach and into the water. After 45 minutes of cleaning the parking lot and beach, they seemed spotless. So once the work was completed I asked them to sign a sheet of paper so they could write their names, signatures, and school email addresses in case you would like to contact them. I was extremely grateful for their help and I feel so good knowing that by putting only 45 minutes of our time we helped prevent harmful materials like plastic bottles and McDonald's wrappers from entering Puget Sound.

2.  I am very proud for organizing this small group of individuals who wanted to help out their community and make a difference. Last time I was down at senior center I noticed there was trash everywhere and once we left today their was no litter in sight. Our groups common goal was to clean the litter up from the parking lot and clean up any litter that had blown onto the sand or into the water. We accomplished this much faster than I would have thought. Everyone who attended worked very hard and had excellent attitudes, I was sure to thank them for their hard work.

3.  Since I was the one who organized this I did not have any jobs listed other than to just help clean up senior center. All of the kids from my school use this parking lot as their hangout spot on the weekends and I wanted to decrease the litter pollution. I believe we made a difference doing this, and I'm sure kids from my school will appreciate a cleaner senior center; I know the marine animals are grateful for less trash in their habitat.

4.  I've mentioned earlier in this blog post that Senior Center is a hangout for kids at my school. Sadly, they have no idea the damage their litter is causing to our aquatic friends. Countless times I've seen litter blowing right onto the beach, so it felt really good to finally do something about it. This experience changed the way I feel about litter. Before I spent my time cleaning the parking lot, litter didn't bother me so much. I still never understood why people couldn't hold onto their trash or throw it away. There's actually a garbage can in the parking lot. After our clean up was finished I feel more responsible for keeping senior center clean. If I see litter I feel much more inclined to pick it up. Especially if it's at senior center. Every weekend thirty to forty kids use it as a place to hangout, they disrespect it every weekend by littering. I'm extremely happy I organized this trash clean up because it was greatly needed at senior center. In class we learned about how dissolved bits of plastic and small bits of plastic can be eaten by sea creatures. I have no doubt that places like Senior Center are one of the leading locations where litter enters the Puget Sound in Edmonds. So reducing the amount of plastic that enters the water is very important. We were also taught in class that Ferries and other boats pollute the oceans with sound. This location also happens to have a ferry and a marina, therefore there is already sound pollution in the Puget Sound near Edmonds. Limiting the trash that enters the Sound is just a small part of the fight against pollution in the Pacific Northwest. Marine Biology is interdisciplinary because not only is it the study of the ocean and the creatures that call it home, it's also a subject where climate protection and reducing pollution is a major focal point. These two branches of knowledge are completely different but they both tie into the same subject. They also play hand in hand with each other. There are still thousands of species yet to be identified, and if ocean conditions continue to get worse we may never find them.

5. There is a garbage can in the parking lot; what makes people believe it is okay to just throw their trash wherever they please?

How has the amount of litter entering the Puget Sound at Senior Center affected the animals that live just under the surface of the water? Have they relocated?

Should I organize regular clean ups? Or will it even make a difference?

Would adding signs to parking spots encouraging people not to litter help the problem? If so would the city be willing to buy them and install them if enough people petitioned for them?


  1. I always find it funny when theres trash a few feet away from a trash can. Some people are really ignorant about throwing things away. I think if you organized regular cleanups or even advertised the impacts littering has it can make a big difference for the environment


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