Bre,Riley,Kathleen,lynn´s buoyancy of egg experiment

  • If an egg is placed in salty water, the egg will float.
  • If the egg is placed in seawater, the eggs will kind of float.
  • If the egg is placed in pure water, the eggs will sink.

Our results were the same as we predicted because of our knowledge from the other experiments we did that day and how the higher the density it is the more likely something will float in it. Also the higher density is due to the amount of salt (salinity) thats in the water.

The green water was seawater, the blue water was salt water, and the red water was pure water. You could tell this by how the eggs reacted to the solutions and whether or not they floated and at what level they floated.

As previously stated nothing really surprised us about this lab but drawing on the eggs was fun.


  1. My group had very similar results to yours which is reassuring haha, I like what you guys said about how the predictions could be made a lot easier using the knowledge of density we learned earlier in the lab, its always cool when parts of the lab connect to each other

  2. I love this picture! My group had similar results and I too was not very surprised with the results because I have done a similar experiment before.

  3. It is cool to hear that you used knowledge from your past experiments to make predictions for this experiment

  4. Hey Gwen this is missing for me in the grades just wanted to let you know


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