Elijah's Plankton

My plankton was made of colorful wire, two corks, two safety pins, a pinch of clay, and a fuzzy pink sparkly ball. I wanted my plankton to look stylish as it floated! The body was supposed to be sphere shaped so that it could evenly stay afloat and the arms were suppose to drag it down a bit. I found out that the arms were not heavy enough so I added two safety pins glued together with clay to way down the plankton. When the Plankton sunk to the bottom, I decided to add the fuzzy pink ball to even out the weight so that it could float more towards the surface. The corks on the ends of the arms were to help the plankton stay afloat and balanced. My pretest was a success since the plankton sunk to the bottom but hovered the bottom surface. But when it came time for the actual test, my plankton's arm touched the bottom and therefore I was out of the contest. I think my plankton soaked up a bit more weight due from being tested.


  1. I love that your plankton resembles an octopus sort of! That's a bummer that it worked until the contest... same thing happened to us, was working great but i think it got water logged from testing it and then we ended up adding too many cork pieces so it floated too high. Enjoyed reading about your thought process about your plankton!

  2. I loved the shape of your plankton! I think a lot of people had problems with their plankton getting soaked in the pretests we had clay on ours and it made it all funny.


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