Holly, Jack, Emily, and Naomi's eggsperiment
Our group predicted that if an egg is placed in salty water, the egg will float. Our second prediction was that if the egg is placed in seawater, the eggs will sink. Our third prediction was that if the egg is placed in pure water, then eggs will sink. For the actual results of our eggsperiment in unknown fluid 1 the egg sank slowly, in unknown fluid 2 the egg floated, in unknown fluid 3 the egg sank quickly. We think that unknown fluid 1 was seawater, because our egg didnt sink as fast so, it had a little bit of salt to slow the sinking but not enough to stop it from sinking. We thought that unknown fluid 2 was the salty water, because the egg didn't sink at all, so we believe that the salt in the water allowed the egg to float because it was less dense that the water. We thought unknown fluid 3 was distilled water, because the egg sank very fast, so we believe there was no salt in the water to make the water more dense than the egg. We were surprised about how quickly the egg sank in unknown fluid 3 because it sank really fast compared to the others.
Good post with an excellent visual. In terms of the egg sinking in the red liquid, I think that both the green and blue containers hold salty water and seawater, and since both are salty and have extended levels of salinity, the eggs float better than the red container, which I think is distilled drinking water. Good post.