Introduction- Amber Kerzman

Hi, I'm Amber!
(my dogs name is Stella, shes my beach babe)

I'm super excited to be taking a marine biology class, bonus, I get to learn about my front yard.
I always feel like such a nerd in my biology classes because they are my favorite.
I plan on majoring in biology and deciding what I want to do later. 

This little warf in Edmonds is where I live.

Starfish are probably my favorite sea creature. 
They are so darn cute and puffy, and I like that you know that they are healthy based on their color.
These starfish are actually bright purple, but the lighting was weird

I also make jewelry, that my dog models. 
 Puppies + Jewelry = instagram gold mine/ total lady killer


  1. YOU'RE DOG IS TOO ADORABLE! Also, I'd like to purchase some of your jewelry pls lol and your front yard is beautiful!

  2. That must be so cool to live so close to the water :o


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