Hi there! My name is Billy Travis. The picture of me was taken on a fishing trip last year; I go to Lake Sammamish with my dad every summer. Apart from the fishing trips and going to the aquarium in Seattle a few times, I don't have a lot of experience with this subject, so it'll be interesting to learn about what this course has to offer. The main thing I'm looking forward to learning about would probably be the many different types of undersea life. If I had to choose a favorite marine organism, I suppose it would be the jellyfish, because they're just so fascinating.
I'm taking this course because I needed a lab science to transfer to Western Washington University, and this one sounded pretty interesting. I took a BIO class last quarter and enjoyed it, so I figured this would be a good next step. For now, I'm undecided on what I want to do for my major. I figured if I still can't decide when it's time to choose, I could just go for something like a communications degree. Who knows? Maybe this class will encourage me to take other science classes or maybe even pursue a scientific degree.
For some reason, I always wanted to go fishing when I was in elementary school. Is it mostly just waiting around for a bite?