Introduction-Holly Fahning
Hello everyone! My name is Holly, and I am a running start student from Kamiak High School. I wanted to take this marine biology course because I really like biology, I wanted to take a science class, and this class seemed really interesting and fun. I am excited to learn about the Puget sounds marine ecosystem, because I really don't know that much about it. I am also fascinated to learn more about the ocean because so much of the earth is covered in water, and there is still so much to be learned about it. I want to major in environmental or mechanical engineering, or mathematics. The only previous experience I've had with marine ecosystems was my environmental science class last quarter, I worked a little bit at the beach for a lab and worked with some feeder streams that went to the ocean and was able to see how they impact the ocean. My favorite marine organism would definitely be a whale because I am fascinated by their immense size, and lengthy migration distances. I have yet to see one up close, but that is one thing on my bucket list. Something interesting about me is that I participate in my high schools band, and I also play in an adult soccer league. I also have a super cute miniature Australian shepherd named Cruz.
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