Katie, Nona, Dena, and Kyle's Egg Experiment

If an egg is placed in salty water, the egg will float.
If the egg is placed in sea water, the egg will sink slowly.
If the egg is placed in pure water, the egg will sink.

The egg sunk in unknown fluid number 3 (red).
The egg floated in unknown fluid number 2 (purple).
The egg floated, but not as high as in fluid 2, in fluid number 1 (green).

Surprised me that the eggs floated in liquids 1 and 2, making trying to figure out which water is which more difficult.

I think unknown 1 was sea water, unknown 2 was salt water, and unknown 3 was pure water.


  1. Thats so weird that you guys had eggs that floated in two of the solutions, where my group only had one solution in which the egg floated. I wonder what could have caused that difference in our data. Anyways, i really liked how your eggs turned out, they look really nice!

  2. This is interesting that you guys predicted the egg in the seawater would sink slowly. It actually makes sense as we don't really know the amount of salt in the seawater, compared to the one in salty water. I would also have predicted that the amount of salt in the seawater is less than the one used for the salty water.


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