Seattle Aquarium visit

 The picture shown here is that of the Giant Pacific Octopus. I really have a fascination in cephalopods. I'm not sure why I do, but I just think they are pretty cool for some reason.

I have been to the Seattle Aquarium before, although this was my first time going since 4th grade. There wasn't really anything different about it since I last went, so everything basically looked the same as before. The most interesting part about the whole ordeal has to be looking at all the different animals living in close proximity to one another, while at the same time not attacking or eating each other. I didn't really learn anything new, but I was reinforced with one thought. I knew that there are lots of species of marine life living in the waters of the Pacific Northwest, but going back down to the aquarium and looking at them in close proximity reminds me just how many marine organisms there really are.

My one question would be something I already talked about in the above paragraph: How do all these different species of marine organisms live right next to each other without attacking or eating each other?


  1. I also thought the octopus was amazing. Did you get a chance to see the cuttlefish? Also did you see the octopus being fed. It was pretty interesting.

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    2. What I know is the Seattle Aquarium studies each marine organisms' habitat and carefully place them separately to avoid a predator and prey situation. I believe sorting organism by the different types of symbiosis makes their interaction positive rather than destructive.

  2. Resource partitioning is at least one major reason organisms can live in the same space with each other. If they do not utilize the same resources, they are not in competition with each other (or don't eat each other). :)


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