Edmonds Marsh
This was my first time seeing salt marshes and the most interesting thing I learned today was that these salt marshes are home to many organisms. Like more than I thought. I also thought it was interesting to know that they have somewhat their own watershed that help them filter out their water. These marshes, wetlands, and estuaries are very important to the pnw because they host many ecosystems. One question that I had was, if there were no organisms that lived in the salt marshes, how would that affect them?
I thought that the impact salt marshes have on our watershed was interesting too. I had no idea they had such an impact. When you say if there were no organisms in the salt marsh do you just mean just animals, or plants too? Because if there were no plants or animals there would not be a salt marsh. However if there were no animals I think the plants would still help filter the water. There would be a lot more mosquitoes at summer BBQs though.