Edmonds marsh
The organism i saw was a Red-winged Blackbird, he is in the picture he is just hard to see but he is on the cat tails kind've close to the center of the photo. When I saw him, he was just perched on the cat tails, but then he started flying around, to different parts of the marsh. As for his ecological role in the marsh, I think this bird is a predator and eats bugs, that he can find, it also probably uses the cat tails and other surrounding trees as shelter. The most interesting thing I saw was probably this bird, or the herons just cause I think those birds are really cool. I wouldn't say this trip changed my perspective on the marshes or things like them because I know that they are very important places for the ecosystem, but this trip did open my eyes to how many there actually are and how they could just be hiding behind a business park. One question that I have after visiting the marsh is what kind've steps had to be taken to make it a protected area? because Gwen was talking about how a company was going to develop it and then they made it a protected area.
great group shot!