Spencer Island Trip

I couldn't really get a good photo of any organisms during the trip. However, I did see this beached ship, so I thought it would make a cool photo for this blog post.

While walking down the trails, we came across a bridge with a flock birds circling around it. They were moving quickly, so it was tough to identify what exactly they were. We flipped through the bird book and tried to find the species that looked the closest to what we saw. Our best guess was the Dark-eyed Junco, most likely a consumer in terms of ecological role. Due to its small size, it may not be as high up on the food chain as a Great Blue Heron, but I digress.

Overall, I enjoyed this trip more than Edmonds Marsh; there was a lot more ground to cover and more to see. One of the invasive species I saw was the Reed Canary Grass. It was all over the area, so it could be considered disruptive to the local ecosystem because it most likely interferes with the growth of native producers.

For my Marine Biology related question, I'd ask: "how many species of fish live in Spencer Island?" Most of the animals that I saw were birds, so it would be interesting to know about the things I couldn't see.


  1. Hey Billy,
    I also saw the crashed ship and thought it was really cool. I also would like to know how many species of fish there are. I actually saw a fish jump and would like to what kind of fish it was.

  2. Hi Billy,

    I did not have a chance to see the ship wreck. I am glad you posted it. Seeing the ship make me wonder if there was any oil spill and maybe still leaking up till today? If so, I bet the polluted water caused damage in the surrounding ecosystem especially salmon migration.

  3. Thats a cool photo of the ship wreck! Sounds like you saw some pretty cool birds as well, they can be really difficult to identify when they are moving really fast. I struggled with identifying some birds as well.

  4. Great photo and observations! I am glad you posted a photo of the shipwreck so that others could see it!


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