Trip to Seattle Aquarium
Yes, I had been to the Seattle Aquarium before, but it was when I was very young, so pretty much everything was pretty new to me. The only thing I remembered from going there as a kid was the big dome exhibit. The most interesting thing I learned from the aquarium was actually something that my dad asked about. Yes, I went to the aquarium with my dad since I wasn't able to go with the class... it was a very fun father daughter trip! But anyways, my dad asked about what happens to all the eggs that the fish lay inside the exhibits. One of the experts told us that the eggs actually get washed out into the sound! Which I thought was kind of cool... that they are adding more fish to the natural environment! I mean, it isn't too many because the survival rate is mostly not too high, but still pretty cool. Something that changed my perspective was just learning about how many different organisms we have in the puget sound. I always thought/assumed that the puget sound was kind of lame and didn't have that much life just because of how human dominated it is, but there is so much marine life in the puget sound which is really neat to me. One marine question that came to mind while on the filed trip was wondering about how many octopi we have in the Puget Sound.
Sounds like you had fun with your dad! :)