Human Impacts

This picture is at Edmonds Marsh. This doesn't show a literal piece of pollution, like trash, but it shows train tracks, which carry dozens of things that can pollute the environment, as well as the omissions that come out of the train engine as it rolls by. This ecosystem is situated between Puget Sound and a busy highway and Harbor Square. People could easily throw garbage and other forms of pollution into this ecosystem, so I can see how it can easily become polluted and affected by trash. There aren't really any visible effects on this ecosystem that I could see. If people continue to expand down at the waterfront, and industrialization continues, it could harm this ecosystem over time by forcing its many inhabitants to find other places to live, and the birds that rest here to find other places to rest on their journey. If this building continues in this area, then this ecosystem could go away forever. I don't really think anything can be done about this, because humans are always going to be building certain projects and other things that could contribute to the harm of the environment.


  1. Your example of human pollution is great! I also think industries, and transportations as ferries or trains are an important source of pollution in our beautiful area. Even though there might have norms of pollution for the industries by the state government, I don't think everything is checked and normalized.


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